Hello, hope you all are doing well, I just thought I would update my blog with how this is all going. These last few weeks I have been sick and have a lot of stuff going on at home, so I fell behind on my other classes. I have been trying to catch up, and I am finally in a spot where I can breathe about them for a second, but it has been a mess, to be honest. In these last couple of weeks. I did manage to get all of the textures I had for the house into unreal, still, need to flesh those out a bit more, I lost all my data last week on my drive, and I had most stuff backed up, just not last semester, so I am trying to get an idea of what to do next with that in mind. Another thing that I was able to start was some of the animations of the last scene shot 2 so far, I would like to recover the textures first this week and then I am going to fix the house up from there and work with Rigby with the filter, I should be in a place to show some photos this week!! This has been all really stressful to me honestly because I feel like I have no control over what is going on and I am hoping that I am doing my part for this group. I am doing my best, but I am gonna try to do even more so that we achieve out goals.
Another Update
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